When people experience pain from the lower back part of their bodies, going to a clinic is not the first thing they consider doing. Typically, what they will do about it is to just let the pain be. Most of them believe that it will just go away in time, and if they will just let it rest. Lower back pains may be a cause of something serious. And though there are noninvasive treatments available for this, it is still best if you consider visiting the doctor or a chiropractor.
Chiropractors specialize in alleviating different kinds of physical pain in the body, so they may be a huge help in cases like this. When you go through a chiropractic check up, they will devise a treatment plan tailored and customized to whatever your condition is. The treatment plan usually includes different techniques to be done as a relief to the pain you are experiencing, including spinal manipulation.
Spinal Manipulation
Spinal manipulation, also referred to as a manual or spinal manipulative therapy, is one of the many therapeutic options that help people with acute or chronic low back pain. It is a technique where chiropractors use equipment, or just their hands, in applying pressure and controlled thrust to a joint of your spine. The amount of force they exert may vary. But the method done by thrusting moves the joint more than it would alone. There are other various procedures that can be done with spinal manipulation. One of the main ones would be doing a sudden but controlled force on a joint that causes a popping sound. The other widely utilized technique involves less sudden movements, which stretch and gently manipulate joints, muscles, and ligaments.
There is also a technique called spinal mobilization. It may also be recommended for low back pains, but involves a different method of alleviating the pain. It does not require thrusting and is performed only within a joint’s natural range of motion. This can be controlled by the patient as well.
Given all these, spinal manipulation is still widely used as a treatment for low back pains. It is proven to be an effective solution to alleviate the pain. Read on to learn more about this kind of treatment.
Mild to Moderate Relief for Low-Back Pain
The relief that spinal manipulation provides to those with low-back pain may range from mild to moderate. It depends on how intense the force it needs. Spinal manipulation provides improvements in overall function for those suffering from this kind of pain. It is, together with exercise, massage, and physical therapy, are some of the several options that provide this type of relief. It is said to be better than non-recommended interventions like light tissue massage. Though it is the case, not many people are still suitable for this kind of treatment. You will just know unless the chiropractors recommend them for you.
Spinal Manipulation and Mobilization
Various types of treatments and spinal adjustments are being utilized by different chiropractors all over the world. But the most common ones are spinal manipulation. It uses force and thrusting, and spinal mobilization, which is gentler than the other.
With the manipulation technique, chiropractors use their hands in applying a controlled, sudden force to a joint, accompanied by an audible sound from the joints. Patients may get scared and frightened because of the popping noises out of this technique. It sounds like how you crack your knuckles. But it does not really hurt that much as how you have heard it. It may even provide you a more effective pain relief. And though this is the case, this technique is relatively safe. You will only feel temporary muscle stiffness or soreness, but it will not last that long.
Though with spinal mobilization, it is also an effective one but uses less forceful thrusts and is more focused on stretching. Unlike manipulation, it does not produce any audible joint sounds. It also does not involve the same kind of “back cracking”. Rather, it is using an equipment called an activator. It is utilized as a tool to apply force directly to one vertebra.
Though there may be differences with how each technique is performed, it is rest assured to be good for one’s low-back pain. Chiropractors are professionally trained and instructed. You would not worry about them breaking and worsening the condition, and tailor the procedures depending on its overall condition.
Spinal Manipulation is Safe
Given that spinal manipulations involve that back cracking sound, which may seem to be daunting, it is ensured to be relatively safe. When performed by a professionally trained and a licensed chiropractor, you would not have to worry about the pain worsening. As mentioned above, you will only feel minor temporary muscle stiffness, soreness, and may increase the pain in a short period of time, less than 24 hours at least. You might also feel a little tired than usual. Any kind of treatment might result in these possible side effects. Though serious complications and complex side effects can happen, it is very rare.
And so, if you have other related conditions such as severe osteoporosis, high stroke risk, spinal cancer, or an unstable spine, going through spinal manipulation is not recommended. The pain you feel might be an underlying cause of one of these conditions. Thus, you may need to seek help from a doctor specializing in serious conditions like this.
Avoid Passive Therapies When Undergoing Spinal Manipulation
If you have to go through any other therapies aside from the spinal manipulation, you might have to reschedule it first. You must avoid passive therapies, such as heat, cold, electrical stimulation and ultrasound. Even though they can provide your pain and discomfort from the manipulation a brief relief. They may help you alleviate the said pain, and help you relax during spinal manipulation. However, it might cause complications. Another unusual force will be applied to your body that might further damage your joints.
Key Takeaway
Low-back pain may be a challenge and can cause you long-term discomfort if not treated as soon as possible. But given that there are available therapies to alleviate the pain such as spinal manipulation, you will not have to worry about what more pain it will cause you in the future. Chiropractors will recommend the perfect and most effective treatment plan for you. The techniques done will not leave you again with uncomfortable back pains.