
Most Common IELTS Facts

Common IELTS myth and truth

IELTS exam is very important for that candidate who want to settle in abroad to higher studies or for their job. IELTS exam is very common in today’s era but some of candidate has no as much idea about IELTS exam that how to prepare and what to prepare. Here we are going to discuss about some most common IELTS facts and myths about IELTS exam by best overseas education consultants.

Unknown IELTS Facts

There are many things to prepare for IELTS exam, but as you continue with your research, you will have some questions that will come in your mind, like:

  • “How can I select the probable answer for Multiple Choice questions?”
  • “What if I don’t know the answer to a any particular question?”
  • “Will I be capable to complete the exam on time?”
  • “What extra can I do to score high in band score?”

IELTS Myths that keep you away from getting a High IELTS Score

You should not only focus on IELTS preparation but you have to also deal with the myths related to IELTS exam. Now one more question might come in your mind that what myths student can have about IELTS exam.


So, here are those obligations nearby the IELTS Exam that you heard and consider to be factual:

  • IELTS is more difficult as compared to other English Language Proficiency tests.
  • If IELTS Exam is given in the same country, then chances of getting high score is more.
  • Smiling in front of the assessor or making him/her giggle during the IELTS Exam might obtain a high IELTS Band Score.
  • Writing more than the specified word limit in the IELTS Writing test will help get a better score.
  • Speaking in a pronunciation other than British, Australian, or American lowers IELTS Band Score.
  • If the thoughts expressed in the Writing or Speaking Test differs from the examiner’s point of view, it may decrease the score.
  • IELTS Exam can be taken only once.

Facts of IELTS exam

Now, have a look at the truth and dismiss the myths so that you can do a focused preparation for the actual test.

  1. The IELTS is more difficult to compare with other English Language Proficient Witnesses.
  2. The IELTS Test is taken to evaluate the English language skills of the candidates so that they can achieve the score required to meet their study or balance the extra requirement.
  3. It has been observed that the 9 Band has remained consistent over the past 20 years.
  4. Again, one neither deceives nor passes the Shell. They provide a Band Score based on their performance. Therefore it is a false opinion that you ought to possess moors.
  5. If IELTS Exam is given in your country, you will probably score better.
  6. This is the most popular story among IELTS aspirants and lawbreakers. However, it should be understood that the standard IELTS Testimony – Academic or General Train – remains the same across all approved destinations in the world. Thus it will be done entirely, as the foundation of your works is not the place from which you were appeared.
  7. Another false belief among the aspirants is regarding the IELTS Results. They believe that results depending on the test center you choose or the examiners who assess your paper. This is again a false notion. None of the test centers are biased. They are just doing their duty on the Test day.
  8. Besides, IELTS is a very high profile. Thus, any kind of malpractice at the time or after probation is closely impeded by the IDP and the British Council.
  9. Smiling in front of a scout or him/her smiling on the IELTS Speaking Test to get a good IELTS score.
  10. It is good to keep smiling and for stillness when combined with testing. This can avoid anxiety and improve your work.
  11. The IELTS Speaking Test examines only your English level and how you demonstrate your skills. Smiling or laughing will not have an effect on your IELTS score. You are judged only based on your observance.
  12. Writing more than a specific word on the IELTS Writing Tests will help improve your score.
  13. In IELTS Writing Test, there is word limit so, you need to write 150 words for Task 1 and 250 words for Task 2. Just as writing under word count will reduce your score, writing more than the word limit count will also cost your IELTS Band Score. So, it is advisable to complete your task within the pre-decalared word limit. Correct Grammar, spellings, Vocabulary and Sentence Structures are taken into reflection while marking the test.
  14. Speaking in an accent other than Australian, American, or British lowers IELTS Band Score.
  15. The IELTS Speaking Test does not require you to change your accent. You can speak in a normal accent. But make sure you speak out loud and with a natural step, so that the examiner may understand what you are saying.

IELTS Exam Preparation: Important Tips

  • If the opinions contained in the written or speaking test differ from the opinion of the explorer, the name may be reduced.
  • Wrong or right estimation.
  • There is no such thing as right opinion or wrong opinion in the IELTS Speaking and Writing tests. You are marked based on:
  • How absolutely you express your English Language Skills
  • How well you express and explain your ideas.
  • You can give IELTS test only at once.
  • This is again an illusion among the candidates appearing for the IELTS exam. But it is so, that there is often no limit, you can take the test. You can sit for the IELTS test as often as you want. However, you will have to deposit the exam fee each time you book your exam.

IELTS Coaching for Preparation

If you want to prepare IELTS in budget than you should go for IELTS coaching in Jaipur. As Jaipur  has top coaching for IELTS with best educators for best preparation.

So, get ready for study abroad with the help of best IELTS coaching classes in Jaipur or near you.

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