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Web Development

Is Laravel Better Than Core PHP?

At the time of starting of a web project software engineers can use any method. To create scratch of app they use simple programming language. They can also rely on framework. There is no definitive reply that which technique is preferable. It depends upon many factors including developer’s skills, resources and others.

Most developers would unquestionably select PHP and Laravel. Both are finest Web development programming language and framework. Both enable the construction of strong solutions.  Containing high quality. That is rich in feature and easy to integrate with any platform.

Core PHP in comparison with Laravel:

Laravel development services are one of the most popular PHP frameworks. It is easy, strong and quick to use. It also has plenty of fans. Some developers are nevertheless certain that Laravel is for novices. While professional use Core PHP. Compare the two and observe:

1. Developing Environment:

A safe developing environment is provided by the Laravel framework.
It also allows for beginners to write concise, dependable code.
That makes it easily understandable and rationally arranged. It allows sharing code elements to web developers.

The understanding of Core PHP depends entirely on the competence of a developer. Core PHP has no fixed app structure in the web developers.

2. Curve and steps:

Laravel’s curve is superficial. Many steps are automatic and pre-set. Even a newbie may create and alter the code. Web developers require time to understand the tools and customize of them. While For hard-core gamers, Core PHP is the key. Because it allows programmers to write their own programs.

3. Simplicity

Core PHP is a fantastic tool to develop basic applications. It is with minimal number of features. Because creating a basic blog does not necessitate the use of several tools. On the other hand Core PHP is the finest and most time-saving option. Utilization of Laravel is for good solutions. Due to their explicit layer divisions, Laravel-based applications are easily scalable.

4. Structure

Core PHP scripts are faster to execute than Laravel scripts. It is because of their simpler structure. It provides that written programs are proper. Web developer can reuse these scripts.

Laravel has a layered structure. Therefore, code lines will be executed a bit slower. As to the development speed, Laravel has an advantage here. Laravel offers a strong set of debugging tools which means that with this framework web developers can build a viable code with minimum critical errors much faster than in CorePHP.

Laravel has a layered structure.  As a result, code lines slowly executed. It has an edge in terms of development speed. Laravel provides a robust collection of debugging tools. Resultantly allowing web developers to create usable code. Which is considerably faster than with CorePHP.

5. Security

There is no security provided for the code of PHP.  As a result, web developers need to create their own safety to prevent code flaws.

In turn, Laravel delivers a robust, cross-scripting, SQL injection-preventing system. It also provides cross-site application forgery. It also includes a safe authentication mechanism. That protects user authentication in every request.


I live in Chicago and work in HAWTHORNE as a Software Developer/Architect. I’ve been a professional developer for more than 15 years. I’ve mostly worked professionally with Java, C, C++ and Python.

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