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How to write blog post that rank high.

So, Are you looking for how to write a blog post that people actually read and share + rank in #1 page of search engines?

Then you are in the right place.

This step by step guide will help you to write a great blog post and rank at #1 page in Search engines such as Google.

How To Write a Blog Post that People actually Read and Share and Rank #1 page in search engines

Already we discussed a lot of things about blogging.

But today we discuss how to write a great blog post for your brand new blog site that people will read for months and months.

Have you ever heard that statement, “Content is a King”?

Yes. Blog post content is a key element for bring readers and rank your site in the search engines.

But rank in higher can be done for original, well-optimized and valuable content only. If you are copying other bloggers’ content, then your copied content cannot help you to rank your site in first pages in search engines such as Google, Bing.

Your writing blog post content will be deciding on your blog successful or unsuccessful.

Not only that, but it will also help you to earn a thousand dollars from your quality traffic. That is why we said content is a king.

How To Write a Blog Post that People actually Read and Share? Step by step guide

Are you wonder about How To Write a Blog Post that People actually Read and Share? Then, below is about that.

Write a winning content can be a challenging thing, but with below step by step, it can be made simple for you.

You really only have 2 or 3 seconds to grab your readers’ attention without leaving your site immediately, also you need to convince them to click and actually read your blog post.

Then, the below step by step guide to writing good blog content will be helpful for you.

Are you ready to write a blog post that people actually read and share and help rank in google #1 page?

01. Do Researches and know your audience

If you cannot decide what you are going to write? Or you need to study more about what you need to write, you can do proper researches for it. This will help you to write a winning blog post.

Researches help you to know your audience well. If you need to write winning blog content it is essential to know your audience well.

For the researches, you can get helpful data from researches for the picked niche markets.

From the researches, you need to get information about who is your target audience? What are they looking for? What are the solutions you can provide? Best keywords for optimizing your blog post, and your competitors.

Know and understand your blog audience will help you to win your blog audience. Also, always remember who is your audience and what are they looking for throughout the whole writing process.

When doing researches always keep in mind to find the answers to the below Questions too.

  1. What is it readers want to know?
  2. What is it that I have high-quality knowledge about?

02. Decide what you going to write

Already we discuss how to pick the right niche market or combination of the niche market for blogging?

When writing blog content, it is highly required to write content about your picked niche or sub-niches.

Does your picked niche market already provide the right direction for what you need to write? So it is very simple to decide what you need to write based on your niche.

You can start to write a blog post, keep the main goal in mind. When writing a blog post always keep in mind why you write this post and what is the specific purpose behind your writing?

03. Generate a List of the topic to write posts

Topics are the lifeblood for your blog content. Titles are the first feature to pay attention to both readers as well as search engines.

So you need to come up with great and powerful topics. By generating a list of topics will help you to find and build a great title for your blog posts.

Do you need to build a list of what you need to write? Simply that list should be an idea bank for you.  Those can be titles for writing your blog posts. Those lists must be build based on your picked niche market.

That can be difficult to come up with great ideas in a short time period. Do not worry take your time to build your idealist.

After building a list of the topic you can decide which topics will perform well and which won’t, and which need to more develop or which can be divided into more topics.

It is better to keep developing this topic list building process in the future too.

Also, you need to plan your blog topic in advance to attract readers to visit your blog post.

04. Choose a blog post format

Before starting to write blog posts, it is better to choose the right post format for writing your blog post.

There are three types of blog post formats.

How to – blog format

How to – type format provides an opportunity to take a deep dive into a specific topic. You can target niche audiences looking for expertise and self-explanatory. This type of blog topic has very specific search-intent and you can use them as a foundation for their blog sites.

05. Pick the right keyword

The keyword is something that people search for a lot on Google and other search engines and there are many other posts and sites that complete providing answers using that word.

Each post that you publish should tackle a specific main keyword (short or long) or key phrase. It will help people as well as search engines to find your blog post.

Every blog post that you write should have its own focus keyword but not too many. Also, do not duplicate your keywords. Always keep in mind to do one post optimizing for one specific keyword.

To find keywords, you can use, KWFinder, Google Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest.

06. Write a powerful headline for blog posts

More than 90% of people will decide whether or not to read blog posts based on their headlines. So you need to write powerful and click-worthy headlines to attract your readers within a second.

Your whole blog post must be present from your headline within a few words.

  • Add keywords to your main headlines.
  • Write 5 or more blog headlines and choose the most powerful headline.
  • Build sub-headlines that support to your main headline.
  • Write powerful headlines that are easy to consume and impossible to ignore.
  • Write headlines between 50-60 words

08. Organize your blog post to make reader-friendly

As well as writing the blog content, you need to work on make your blog content more reader-friendly. It will help you to boost the readers and blog visitors.

To make your blog content as readable as possible, you need to organize them into small, digestible content and make sure that you are never presenting the dense blocks of information for your readers.

Always try to break your large content into approachable pieces and making that content more reader-friendly. Not only for readers, but it will also help to better SEO.

09. Write blog posts

This is the process of writing blog posts. People do not care about what you think, they care about what is in it for them and is it helpful to solve their questions.

For make easy and write quality blog content make it a three-step as process below

  • Write
  • Edit
  • Proofread


Do not think twice, when you write, you should write-only. Just fly and do not wait for self-corrections. Write sentences that make sense about your blog title.

If you stop for self-corrections and editing, it stops the flow of ideas and disrupts your creative thinking and finally, it makes storytelling harder.

In this step only you need to write content as you possible. Do not worry about any mistakes or grammar errors. Just write down everything that you can think of that related to your post headline.

Below are a few tips to write blog posts.

  • Use bullet points and numbered lists
  • Try to write too much. Rather than too little
  • Try to write long posts
  • Write the introduction first and conclusion last
  • Stay focus and write to achieve your goals


Once you have finished the written of the blog post (above write step), You can start editing your blog content and do self-corrections. But don’t edit right after you have finished writing.

Get a break and allow for some time to pass (maybe a day or more). Now start reading your written content and check grammar errors, mistakes and edit your content and making your blog post better, tighter.

Avoid grammatical issues and awkward phrases. For that, you can use Grammarly.


In this step you allow you to bring some fresh eyes on your content and notice some new issues.

In this step, you can take care of other related tasks such as, adding images, tune the layout, and evaluate is your blog post content help you to achieve your goals via your blog content. If your post is ok you can post it in your blog site, it doesn’t go back to editing.

Double-check your blog post and formatting for readability. Edit the entire post, not just only the sentences.

Writing log content not finished after you wrote the blog posts. You need to double-check on your written content and make sure your blog content is error-free such as below.

By proofreading tool, you should give your post one final read-through to catch any errors, confusing sentences, and grammar mistakes.


10. Add images and rich Alt tags

The human brain processes visual content such as images lot faster than text-based blog content.

So not only the written blog content, Content such as images, tables, and useful links also must be included for your blog content to winning your readers’ minds.

When adding images to your blog content you must be very careful with choosing images, it isn’t those images that can be bringing unlucky for you.

When choosing the images, you must be aware about copyright about your images.

Conclusion Now it is your turn

Writing a quality blog content can be challenging and thought, but it is necessary to publish posts in a schedule regularly. Yes, it can be hard. To be success in yourself and your blog, you need to work hard and do some dedicates.

There is no and easy ways or shortcuts if bogging or content writing is easy everyone would do it. Because it is not, you need to work hard, do some dedicates and follow strategies and tips to be successful.

For more articles visit: Todayposting.com

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