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How To Sign A Sympathy Card And What To Write On A Sympathy Card

A sympathy card is a small reminder or a hearty gesture to show the grieved person that he or she is not alone.After a defeat, it’s difficult to believe that better days are coming. A card conveying a sorry or a few words expressing your condolence for someone’s loss might seem simple, but it goes a long way toward making him feel supported in a time of need. A sympathy card is very difficult to write. It’s difficult to realize the pain one is experiencing.

However, giving them a message of love and support may help them get through an essential phase of their coping process. To help you get started, we have included a few sympathy messages and included how to sign a sympathy card.

Sympathy Messages for losing a Mother

A mother’s love is irreplaceable. Mothers always have the most inseparable part of a child’s life. Mothers are always there for their children for giving them advice, provide support and unconditional love.It’s never easy to deal with the loss of a mother. You can use the following messages on a condolence card for losing someone’s mother. 

  • Your mother was a kind lady. She treated me as though I were a member of her family at all times.I’ll remember her compassion and kindness forever..
  • Your Mom’s love is phenomenal. I will miss her dearly!
  • I know it’s hard for you to cope with the greatest loss of your life. For your dad and siblings, please stay strong. My heartfelt sympathy for your loss.May your Mom’s memories live on in your heart by means of you.

Sympathy messages for losing a Father

A father’s love is always undermined. But his presence is like a powerful shield for the child. He does everything for his children and family. Losing a father is a huge loss. Here are a few condolences card messages on someone’s dad’s loss.

  • I am so sorry for your loss! A father’s love is something extraordinary. 
  • What a man was your Father! He will be dearly missed.
  • Your Father was a one-of-a-kind person. He was really proud of you and adored you with his whole heart. I see a lot of him in you.

Sympathy messages for losing a Spouse

It is quite difficult to deal with the loss of a spouse.He or she is the person who gave you a new family.  Often, the bereaved spouse must be strong for their children. A condolence message might not lessen their sorrow but can make them feel they are not alone.

  • I am so sorry for your loss. Your marriage was an example for all of us and a physical manifestation of true love.
  • Your love for each other was incredible, and your bond was so deep. My deepest condolences.
  • Your partner loved you with every inch of her heart and soul. I’m sorry for what you’re going through right now, but I’m here for you whenever you need me.

How to Sign a Sympathy Card

Signing your sympathy card is determined by how well you know the person who passed and the person to whom you are writing the card. Wrap up your sentiments warmly and sincerely that matches the tone of your card.

  • With heartfelt sympathy,
  • With sincere condolences,
  • Deepest condolences,
  • With love during this hard time,
  • Sharing in your sadness,
  • With warm thoughts and love,
  • Wishing you peace and strength,
  • With love and prayers,
  • God bless you and your family,
  • Keeping you in our prayers,

Whatever the circumstance is, a sympathy card will be greatly appreciated during tough times.Make sure you’re following through on your help promises.It is also good to follow up with the family in the weeks and months that follow their loss.

Consider sending your family blossoms or a present to enhance their day. Just be there for them when they need you. Don’t be too concerned with the contents of your card, and if you write something,through your heart, they will feel your love and support.

If you still cannot express your feelings through your words, you can take the help of free e-cards available online at Send Wish Online, where you can find several heart-touching condolence cards.


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