When an accident occurs in which a motorcycle or moped is involved. The method that will determine how to calculate the corresponding compensation will be paid as per laws. Motorcycle accident lawyers help people having severe or minor motorcycle accidents.
You will have the right to claim a whole series of damages, which include the damages incurred in your vehicle, the physical damages, and also the patrimonial damages that you have had to bear.
Let’s see in more detail what can be claimed:
Compensation for temporary injuries in a motorcycle accident:
It is about compensating the period of time necessary for the healing or, failing that, stabilization of the injuries. It is possible to differentiate four different types of days, according to the effect on the injuries in the daily life of the injured person:
Days of very serious personal injury:
- These are the days when the injured person has lost his motorcycle accident lawyer to carry out practically all the essential activities of his daily life.
- The clearest example would be an admission to the ICU.
- Each very serious day is quantified in the sum of € 105.35 / day.
Days of serious personal injury:
- In this case, these are the days in which the loss of personal autonomy of the affected person affects a relevant part of the essential activities of their ordinary life or most of the specific activities of their personal development.
- Each serious day is quantified in the sum of € 79.02 / day.
Days of moderate personal injury: Moderate
- Days are those in which the loss of autonomy of the injured party affects a relevant part of the ordinary and specific activities of life
- Each moderate day is quantified in the sum of € 54.78 / day.
Basic personal injury days:
- It corresponds to the rest of the days that elapse until the end of the curative treatment. Therefore, until the medical discharge is made due to the healing or stabilization of the lesions. The days that do not fit in any of the cases described above will be basic.
- Each basic day is quantified in the sum of € 31.61 / day.
Compensation for consequences after a motorcycle accident:
One of the major concerns of those injured in motorcycle accidents is the possible persistence of sequelae at the time of discharge, However generally the injuries suffered by motorcyclists are of special seriousness.
The sequelae are legally define as motorcycle accident lawyer, intellectual, organic and sensory deficiencies and aesthetic damages as a consequence of an injury that persist after the healing period is over.
- The functional sequelae. They are those that affect the function of any organ, tissue, apparatus or system of the human body. Some examples of functional sequelae are:
- post-traumatic
- pain relief
- aggravation of previous osteoarthritis
- mobility limitations,
- material,
- Loss of hearing acuity
- The aesthetic sequels. The aesthetic damage consists of any modification that worsens the image of the person. It is a different damage from the psychophysical one that serves as a substrate and includes both the static and dynamic dimensions. Examples would be: scars, spots on the skin, loss of a limb, lameness, etc.
Compensation for property damage in a motorcycle accident
Particularly noteworthy are, in motorcycle accidents, the damage caused to equipment and personal items that the motorcyclist carries with him.
You should know that you have the right to be compensate for these specific damages along with the damages cause to the motorcycle or moped itself.
Hope this article help you to know how much is the good settlement for a motorcycle accident. Hire a motorcycle accident lawyer to get your deserving rights!