When most people think of ways to improve their hair, they start with the outside. They try to find the best conditioner, shampoo, hairspray, or gel to make their hair look its best. While these products may prove helpful, they’re not the best place to start.
Like most lasting changes, improving your hair starts on the inside. Several vitamins in your body help strengthen your hair to make it more luscious and vibrant.
If you’re searching for tips for healthy hair, start with vitamins for healthy hair! In this guide, we’ll walk through some of the top options to keep your hair robust and lively. Let’s get started!
The Best Vitamins for Healthy Hair: Vitamin A
Every cell in the body requires vitamin A for its growth. Hair cells are no different.
Vitamin A helps your skin glands produce an oily material called sebum. This material moisturizes your scalp, which helps maintain hair health. If you have a vitamin A-deficient diet, you may notice hair loss.
However, too much vitamin A can also result in hair loss. So, try to strike a healthy balance. You can start by finding hair pills that are chewable or adding vitamin A-rich foods to your diet.
Healthy Hair B Vitamins
If you’re wondering how to grow healthy hair, B vitamins are another helpful resource. Some B vitamins help improve healthy hair, while others help remedy hair loss. For example, studies demonstrate that a biotin deficiency can result in hair loss, among other issues.
As such, people often use it as a supplement when they currently experience hair loss. However, there’s not much data to indicate biotin helps hair growth for already healthy hair.
However, other B vitamins support healthy hair. They do so by helping in the creation of red blood cells. These cells carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, including to your scalp and hair follicles.
Vitamin C Supplements for Healthy Hair
Vitamin C does several things to support healthy hair growth. One critical function of vitamin C is protecting your body from free radicals. Free radicals cause a phenomenon called oxidative stress, which can result in hair loss.
Vitamin C also helps your body create collagen, a protein that plays a role in hair structure. This vitamin helps your body absorb iron as well, a mineral partially responsible for hair growth.
Vitamin D Supplements
Most research on vitamin D’s effects on hair focuses on its receptors. When vitamin D receptors become weak, it seems to impact hair loss. Research also links vitamin D deficiencies with alopecia, a condition that can cause radical hair loss.
Increasing vitamin D can help your body in several ways. You can receive this vitamin through direct contact with sunlight or through fatty fish and fortified foods.
Find Your Healthy Hair Supplements Today!
With these resources, you can find the best vitamins for healthy hair in no time. So, experiment with a few and see what works best for your hair growth!
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