The Red Coral Mediterranean Jewelry is an extremely unique look that is incredibly captivating. It is, however, often overlooked by jewelry lovers who are high-end. We will try to show you the reasons why jewelry made of red coral deserves much more interest. Learn more details about the jewelry made of red coral (aka precious coral) jewelry to ensure that you can create an impact that is not just fashionable but also magical and full of tradition and history.
What Japanese red coral?
Japanese red coral, also known as precious coral, is a kind of coral species that is sourced from Japan. It is the most common type of coral that high-end jewelry makers make use of, since it is extremely durable and its color is vivid. It’s an opaque gem which ranges from a striking blood red to a pinkish orange.
Where is Japanese red coral found?
Japanese red coral is found in sea bottoms with rocky rocks that have very little sedimentation. The habitats are dark, as in the depth of the ocean or a crevice or cavern. They can be found from 10 metres up to 300 meters beneath the sea level. However, a large portion of red coral found in the shallow water has become wiped out because of the harvesting of jewelry.
It’s fascinating to know how old coral in the red category is. Large coral reefs can take more than 100,000 years to grow.
In terms of which seas to choose to choose from, it is the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea is the most popular source of red coral. That’s the reason it is often referred to as “Mediterranean Jewelry”. But, red coral also is found within areas of the Pacific Ocean (i.e. Japan and China).
A majority of top quality red coral available in the market is mined by Italy as well as Tunisia (the Mediterranean Sea). China and Japan’s red coral tend to be inferior in comparison. Today, premium coral is becoming more scarce and more scarce.
Japanese red coral gemstone price
Similar to turquoise and aquamarine gemstones the coral gemstone is one that is a color-coded gemstone. While coral can be found naturally in a variety of colors, the gemstone refers to a gorgeous red to pink-orange hue. It is referred to as it.It is basically the only coral type that is suitable to be used in jewelry and is the most sought-after. In addition, it is the only coral color thought to be an “gemstone”.
This means that the significance of corals like red doesn’t apply to all types of coral. But, different kinds of coral can also be important. In the present, we’re taking a look at it gems.
The current price of Japanese red coral is around $1,000+ per kilogram. It is dependent upon the grade. $1000 is the norm.
It is interesting to note that the price of it has significantly increased over years. The 2010 price in it was about $250 per kilogram. The main reason behind the price to skyrocket is the huge growth in consumption in China.
In the end this jewelry proved to be not just an excellent sentimental and emotional investment, but also a real financial investment. The value of resales is very high due to it jewelry which has been stored in good condition.
Hardness of Japanese red coral
As compared to many other gemstones in the world, japan red coral is not particularly “durable”. But it is more durable than the majority of coral. It is suitable for use in jewelry, particularly with the method of cutting it. Durability is one of the main factors that determines what makes a stone and organic substance a gem. It’s not only beauty or rareness.
As with other organic gems (i.e. pearls) it has a 3-4 rating on the Mohs Hardness Scale. That means that it gems can scratch, break or break. This is why you need to use a little more care on your jewelry made from it to ensure that it will last for a long duration.
This is because the way the red coral is cut aids the longevity of the stone. Most red coral stones have a cut-out cabochon. It is extremely rare to see cut it that is faceted, since it is a stone which isn’t able to stand cutting extremely well. Additionally, it’s an opaque stone and therefore creating the facets will not create a stunning appearance as it will simply take away additional coral. This is also true for Opals.
The cabochon-cut method is a way of cutting gems. It produces a convex round surface, which is polished. Its backside of the cabochon is generally flat. This cut type for opaque, soft gemstones does not just enhance the beauty of the color and gemstone and also enhances the longevity. This kind of cut is much more resistant to break or chip.
It is a popular material for sculptures, too. It is usually carved into intricate designs or cameos.
There is something that is so attractive with it. It is a soft and beautiful style that makes you want to grab and feel it, just like jade.
The way that the red coral is cut aids the longevity of the stone. Most coral gems are cut cabochon. It is extremely rare to find diamond-cut it because it is a stone which isn’t able to stand cutting extremely well. Additionally, it’s an opaque stone and therefore creating the facets will not be a great way to make it shine as it will simply take away the coral. This is also true for Opals.
The cabochon-cut method is a way of cutting gems. It gives a convex smooth surface that is polished. On the back, a cut cabochon is generally flat. This cut type for soft, opaque stones does not just enhance the beauty of the color and gemstone in general however, it also improves the durability. This kind of cut makes it more difficult to break or chip.
It is a popular material for sculptures, too. It is usually cut into intricate designs and comeos.
There’s something so attractive with it. It is a soft and beautiful style that makes you want to grab and feel, much like jade.
History of Japanese red coral
Because of the gorgeous nature of Japanese red coral, the capability to easily cut and shape it, as well as its strength (it’s significantly more durable when compared to the other kinds of coral) Red coral has been a popular material for jewelry, both Eastern and Western culture. It has been around to the time of its discovery five hundred years ago. BC.
Like all precious stones that have been sought-after since ancient times A lot of mythology and symbols are associated with it. The significance and history behind it is one of the main reasons for its awe-inspiring popularity and fascination. So, let’s look at the red coral’s “mystical prosperities” and “benefits”.