Part of the maintenance measures that households perform for their pools at home would be the application of swimming pool chlorine. This chemical is responsible for cleaning the pool, fending off bacteria, as well as other harmful substances and microorganisms that have built up over the course of time it was used. Chlorine is actually the most popular swimming pool sanitizer of all the chemicals used to apply to water. It is the most popular and adaptable chemical used in swimming pools. It not only aids in maintaining pool water cleanliness but also aids in maintaining water sanitation by decreasing and preventing algae growth as well as other unwanted water and surface issues.
Although chlorine is widely accessible, inexpensive, and cost-effective, the best chlorine pool sanitizer for you will depend on the specific requirements of your pool. The best chlorine sanitizer for your swimming pool depends as much on personal preference as it does on a number of other aspects, including price, advantages, storage, and even where you reside. And then there are those salt water chlorinators that use a specialized generator to convert salt into chlorine.
Many pool owners often get confused with the different types of sanitizers; from the liquid ones, powder, and those in tablet form. These forms are different according to what kind of chemical, and the levels of chemical within the sanitizers are. These sanitizers include chlorine gas, stable compounds trichlor and dichlor, sodium hypochlorite, calcium hypochlorite, lithium hypochlorite, and calcium merter escort hypochlorite.
Each type of chlorine serves a different purpose, depending on what kind of pool you have. It is crucial to understand how the various varieties differ from one another and which type is appropriate for your pool.
Liquid Bleach / Sodium Hypochlorite
Sodium hypochlorite, also known as liquid bleach or just “bleach”, is a liquid sanitizer that is both widely used and reasonably priced sanitizers, according to pool experts. It is a common home chemical that has been used extensively as a bleaching or disinfectant ever since. This type of swimming pool chlorine is actually the first and most significant chlorine-based bleach. Despite being manufactured of a 12.5% sodium hypochlorite solution, it is the most affordable chlorine sanitizer available. Liquid chlorine is popular among pool pros because it can be added in huge quantities, making it an excellent option for big commercial pools.
Because sodium hypochlorite is not stable, it could gradually lose its strength and effectiveness over time. The product should be stored in a cold, dark environment. Also, those who will use this for their pools must exercise caution when it comes to storage, even if it is frequently utilized. And because of its corrosive characteristics, widespread availability, and reaction to products, it poses a serious safety issue. Particularly, combining liquid bleach with other cleaning agents like acids or ammonia may result in the release of hazardous vapors. Thus, when handling chemicals, always remember to wear protective clothes as well. Since sodium hypochlorite is a liquid, having a secondary containment is advised. If you have a small amount of storage space, this may make it exceedingly cumbersome and difficult with space requirements.
Calcium Hypochlorite / Cal-Hypo
The most widely used powder sanitizer among owners of private pools is referred to as calcium hypochlorite. The majority of commercially available compounds are marketed with a purity of 65 to 73 percent chlorine concentration, combined with other chemicals like calcium chloride and calcium carbonate that were produced during the manufacturing process. As you can see, having a reasonably high chlorine concentration makes it, aside from liquid bleach, the most economically viable chlorine sanitizer.
The main concerns to be aware of are that cal-hypo will increase your water’s calcium hardness levels. The pool surface may corrode if the water in the pool is excessively hard for an extended period of time. The pH of cal-hypo is also high, at roughly 12. In order to maintain the desired pH levels after adding this type of swimming pool chlorine, acid must be added.
Calcium hypochlorite actually comes in the form of tablets or powder. These tabs need to be dropped into the water with a feeder. The feeders, then, frequently develop a buildup of calcium and organic debris, known as “chalking.” But then, the volatility of cal-hypo is the main problem. It can spontaneously ignite when in close proximity to certain chemicals, other varieties of chlorine, for example, making it a particularly potent oxidant and fire danger.
Dichlor / Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate
Dichlor is a chlorine sanitizer that offers the “best of all worlds.” It has a neutral pH level, which does not affect the pH of the pool at all. It just has a high chlorine saturation, but it dissolves quickly. This makes it the reason why it is the ideal chemical to be used to apply to water at spas.
Similar to cal-hypo, it is frequently present in quantities of 60 to 65%. But unlike chlorine pills, it is easy to spread or disseminate around the pool because it is a powder sanitizer. Because it is stable, it can be used as a shock as well as a chlorine sanitizer. This type just minimally lowers the pH and total alkalinity of your pool water, in contrast to lithium trichlor, which will then be explained below. Since it has a pH of 7, using dichlor may only necessitate a small amount of pH increaser.
Trichlor / Chlorine Tablets
Chlorine tablets, also known as trichlor, are a very popular type of chlorine sanitizer, particularly for private and residential pools. Because they are comparatively inexpensive and can be distributed passively, they are time and money efficient. By inserting tabs in the skimmer or floater, it is popular for residential pools that are used all year long.
The key to using these chlorine pills effectively is to make sure they scatter as evenly as possible. It is not a good idea to just throw them into your pool. It is advised to use an automatic chlorinator instead. However, a more practical and economical alternative is a straightforward chlorine dispenser. Trichlor is explosive when combined with calcium hypo.
Additionally, trichlor is quite acidic, which can damage metal parts of the pool system, particularly if the pump is not running nonstop. Metals can dissolve when exposed to trichlor-containing stagnant water. That metal component will eventually separate from the solution and stain.
Key Takeaway
There are many types of swimming pool chlorine to choose from, so which one is right for yours? It all comes down to the type of pool you have. The different types of chlorine and pool sanitizers all have their own properties that are ideal for a specific type of pool. So you must understand these properties, and determine which one is better for what type. Then, apply them as a part of the proper maintenance of your pools.