Digital MarketingEducation

15 Essential tools for social media marketing in 2022

Social media has radically changed our lives in less than ten years. The websites where you first posted your partying images have since been dominated by your mother’s and baby’s pictures. Excellent social media doesn’t appear anywhere. There are more than a few mentions and a small amount of timeless content. Sadly, there isn’t a secret to success in social networking. Like any other marketing strategy, great social media is meticulously designed, measured, managed, and based on a solid and clear process. You must stay current with the newest trends, methods, and tools for social media marketing to fulfill your strategic vision.

Social media schedulers lighten our load and open the door for greater influence by making it easier for us mortals to stay active and engage on social media.

You should consider using the following technologies in your marketing toolset if you want to have your social media channels in tip-top shape in 2022.


1. Biteable

A crucial component of the game is producing material for social media. Good visual content can help you advance your campaign because it receives three times more Twitter engagement than plain text.


You can simply make interesting, funny, and educational short movies with Biteable to post on social media. Biteable is a gift for anyone who wants to quickly produce studio-quality content without having expensive resources like film or sound recording equipment, as it offers a wealth of free video templates, footage, music, and animated scenarios.


Biteable was designed to be among the most affordable instruments of its kind on the market and straightforward to use. The majority of features are accessible even with free accounts, and upgrading to Premium is generally inexpensive, so why not add some more excitement and spark to your social media content by making a few quick, incredibly shareable videos?


2. Buffer

Buffer began life as a Twitter scheduling application. Currently, it works with all of the major social media sites, including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google Plus (for the one person who still uses it.) Let’s look at it.

With Buffer, you can accomplish some pretty cool things:

  • Use the Chrome extension to share content while you’re on the go or add articles and other web content to your Buffer queue.
  • automatically shortens shared links. You can link your accounts if you utilize Bitly.
  • Upload original images and videos (or use ones pulled from the article you shared).
  • Track the effectiveness of your content with sophisticated statistics.
  • Set up a posting schedule to distribute your content throughout the day.
  • Post replies from within Buffer.

Without spending half your life signed into Facebook and Twitter, a social media dashboard like Buffer enables you to fill your social media feed with interesting and pertinent content.


3. Buzzsumo

A major component of marketing is research. You need to know what your rivals are doing and whether what you’re doing is effective if you want to succeed and beat them out.

A research tool called Buzzsumo can tell you how well your material is performing and who is sharing it.

Sometimes you’re fired up when you sit down to write material. Other times, it feels like you’re pulling teeth and you’re simply happy the deadline was fulfilled. Success cannot be ensured, but a service like Buzzsumo can help you raise the chances.


4. Missinglttr

Although social media advertising is essential for online success, scheduling posts might not be what gets you out of bed in the morning. You still need to manually enter the content and graphics for each post, even if a tool speeds up the process of blasting all of your channels at once. Re-promote the posts by repeating the process.

By collecting the content from your blog entries and producing nine distinct posts for a year for your social media platforms, Missinglettr assists you in automating the process of creating social content. As a result, you’ll have one less thing to worry about while concentrating on producing lengthy blog entries while someone else handles the creative aspects of social media advertising and the scheduling of postings.

Missinglettr has some wonderful features that can lessen your workload, including templates for content development, scheduling, and streamlining client approvals, as well as a custom URL shortener to export campaign assets so they can be used in subsequent marketing projects. To keep you informed about your marketing performance, you even receive a weekly report.


5. MeetEdgar

You require a content manager but are already a one-person team in charge of design, tech support, and evergreen content generation. I’m MeetEdgar.

MeetEdgar is your helpful automated content manager. It is a social media management solution that manages both the re-sharing of your content and optimizing your social traffic.

You can keep your social channels updated with postings and check in from anywhere using your mobile by using a browser plugin to connect with your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles.

MeetEdgar enables you to schedule content re-sharing, track traffic, and maximize the return on investment of your digital assets.

You can increase traffic and improve engagement by regularly publishing your evergreen content. You won’t run out of regular postings if you use an automated auto-refill queue. Additionally, it has a category-based scheduling tool that lets you blend various content kinds so that your audience never gets bored.

Additionally, MeetEdgar offers a URL shortener with in-app click tracking so you can keep track of your clicks.


6. Hootsuite

Hootsuite manages several social media accounts in the chaotic world of social media, unifying them under a single login and onto a single dashboard. You can sign up for the service without paying anything.

Hootsuite, one of the most well-liked social media management platforms available, enables team communication and an approval procedure. You may assign tasks, create a social media calendar, and schedule updates in addition to the main advantage of being able to see all of your comments and mentions in one location.

You can check out free online social media courses with Hootsuite Podium to improve your social media management abilities and understand the basics of social media marketing.

Beyond that, its capabilities interface with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and YouTube for more seasoned digital marketers, giving you a detailed overview of your metrics and enabling you to communicate with potential clients.


7. Mention

Mention is a social listening tool that is incredibly thorough. Keep track of mentions about your company, your goods, or your rivals in real-time.

It’s simple to stay on top of the topic because Mention allows you to research your competition, locate relevant influencers for influencer marketing campaigns, and reply to comments and mentions on social media from within the platform.


8. Sumo

Sumo offers a comprehensive set of beneficial traffic and social media solutions that can enhance your marketing approach. The social shares function is the most pertinent for social media since it makes it simple for website users to share your material on social media and maintains track of the total number of shares.



If this, then that, or IFTTT. With the help of this tool, you can create rules that will make managing your social media marketing empire a lot simpler.

Make rules that, when followed, cause particular actions to be taken. To check everything at the end of the day, you can set up a rule so that each time you receive a Google notice for a certain alert, it is put into a Google doc.

These guidelines can reduce some manual back-and-forth and aid in process streamlining that emphasizes and improves individual productivity.


10. Zapier

Another application that promotes automation is Zapier, which has some similarities to IFTTT. One author did a good job of summarizing the main differences. IFTTT is simpler to use and suitable for modest automation, whereas Zapier is a fantastic tool for companies looking to advance their automation. Many marketers use both for various jobs. Zapier works well with the majority of the tools on this list, which is an added plus.

If you’re searching for some cool automation ideas, the Zapier team has a list of recommendations about how you can use Zapier to manage your social media accounts more effectively to get you started.


11. AdEspresso

Social media marketing is challenging and sometimes feels like a wild guess. AdEspresso, the A/B test guru, steps in at this point.

AdEspresso is a platform that enables in-the-moment analysis of Facebook, Instagram, and Google ads. It removes any uncertainty about how your ads are connecting with people in line with your campaign name and targeting information.

When your campaign is running, you can see what’s working (and what isn’t) by creating and managing your ads for all three platforms in one location. Until you discover the ideal mix, you methodically try various images, headlines, ad copy, and so forth.

Ad creation and optimization are quick and simple, and you can monitor the most crucial stats in one place on a personalized dashboard. Your Facebook Pages will be monitored by campaigns that are constantly running, promoting fresh content right away while using clever filters to limit what is promoted and for how long.

Additionally, you can keep your leads, contacts, and audiences synched with your Facebook Ad Account rather than manually synchronizing your Lead Ads into your CRM or email marketing.

If you want to take the uncertainty out of a complicated system and streamline your efforts, give AdEspresso a go this year.


12. Bitly

Honey, I Shrunk the URL star Bitly is the Rick Moranis of the URL realm. Bitly is a link shortener that condenses long URLs into considerably shorter ones.

Often, the original links can be tough to remember and tricky to share, while short URLs look better and are easier to remember.

How many prospects did you generate? How many sales were generated? Traffic? Every marketer wants to succeed and be able to demonstrate it. To record the list of crucial indicators, you must use the appropriate campaign tracking tools. Bitly will tell you who clicked on what, when, and where. Bitly is a potent internet marketing tool used to measure clicks, view site referrals, and identify regions with the most clicks. It is more than just a pretty face. To shorten links and track campaign results, Google has integrated it into their Google Campaign URL Builder.


13. Rebrandly

The most sophisticated link shortener for making branded links and unique short URLs is Rebrandly. Every valuable piece of information you share online has a link attached to it. Each of those ties is beneficial to your business. Using Rebrandly, you may brand the links you create.

Let’s look at a few advantages of utilizing Rebrandly:


  • Branded links can increase click-through rates by 39%.
  • increased brand presence and awareness.
  • a rise in link trust.

Here are some samples of what you can do with the tool and how Rebrandly’s insights for your branded link will look.


14. Sprout Social

The year 2018 witnessed a lot of development and change, with a significant movement from traditional content to video, as you could anticipate in the ever-evolving digital ecosystem. This trend is only likely to continue in 2019.

Thank goodness, the days of planning a social media strategy for every platform are behind us. The integrated social media management application Sprout Social offers capabilities for team collaboration, publishing, analytics, and interaction.

Making it simpler to start, join, and monitor social conversations will increase involvement. Quick responses can strengthen customer relationships, and using a variety of optimization tools will help you stay to your social media marketing strategies.

Staying up to date with trends and keeping an eye on rivals allows you to swiftly and easily connect with customers and fans. You may monitor internal information like response time, overall response volume, and sentiment.

Additionally, Sprout provides additional materials and help through conferences and webinars if you wish to expand your knowledge.


15. Design Wizard

Another useful tool for creating visual content is Design Wizard, which has a user interface that is both straightforward and understandable.

Similar to Biteable, it offers a tonne of features with the free plan and some excellent paid material if you can afford to upgrade.

Design Wizard is excellent for lazy marketers who want the majority of the work to have already been done because it has over 10,000 free design templates that have been optimized for platforms like Instagram and Facebook and more than 1.2 million stock photos.


Additional tools for specific platforms

If you use Twitter frequently, FollowerWonk can provide you with a detailed analysis of your metrics. Since the tool is a component of the Moz toolbox, it is worth looking into if you utilize Moz for analytics reports.

Check out Tailwind and Buffer’s new Pinterest scheduling tool if you use Pinterest frequently.

Facebook Audience Insights is a need for Facebook users if you want to better understand your customers and community and develop engaging social media marketing campaigns.



To be an expert in the field of social media marketing, these tools play an important role in making the work easier and more effective. If your looking to learn social media marketing then a proper social media marketing course will be beneficial for you. You will get to know about all these tools and understand the insights and the analytics more clearly.


To know about some of the best digital marketing strategies read this.

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