COVID is a global pandemic affecting many lives. With the surge in COVID cases worse than ever before, we are seeing the Government imposing stricter restrictions and guidelines for citizens yet again. One of the worst-hit cities in our country is the capital, Delhi that has the strictest restrictions right now, with the city being locked down till 24th May. When it comes to lockdown, only essential services are allowed which includes hospitals and treatments for patients.
So, if you’re diagnosed with cancer or any chronic illness, you can still go ahead with the prostate cancer treatment to your doctor adhering to COVID guidelines for citizens.
Speaking of cancer, prostate cancer is a life-threatening disease. It is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death in men. One in seven men is diagnosed with prostate cancer. But the good news is, there is a 100% five-year survival rate for men diagnosed with early-stage of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer cells grow very slowly.
What is Prostate cancer?
It is cancer that occurs when cells in the prostate gland of men become abnormal. There are often no early symptoms but some men may experience urinary symptoms and discomfort. Hence, if you experience any discomfort or pain, these may be the warning signs you shouldn’t ignore.
Signs and Symptoms of prostate cancer that shouldn’t be ignored:
- Loss of bladder control
- Difficulty while urinating
- Blood in urine
- Blood in semen
- Painful ejaculation
- Burning or pain during urination
- More frequent urge to urinate especially at night
- Decrease in flow of urine stream
- Erectile dysfunction
- Painful ejaculation
COVID is an infectious and life-threatening disease. Prostate cancer patients are at high risk of developing coronavirus infection compared to healthy individuals. This is obvious because the immunity in prostate cancer individuals is low. Hence, you must avoid social contact and wear a double protective mask against infection. Prostate cancer treatment in India includes surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and other treatment.
It is obvious that prostate cancer men can be affected by coronavirus disease but no studies or theories support that COVID-19 can cause prostate cancer in men. As told by prostate cancer treatment surgeon India, it is also observed that men are more prone to COVID-19 compared to women. Yes, it is right to say that this infection is gender bias and men are more likely to be infected.
Coronavirus causes respiratory tract infection leading to a high mortality rate in patients with acute respiratory syndrome. In a nutshell, coronavirus leads to respiratory failure and multiple organ dysfunction resulting in the death of the patient. As of now, there is no drug available to treat or cure the disease, however, you can take vaccination to reduce the chances of getting infected.
Is prostate cancer curable in India?
Prostate cancer is curable 100% when detected and treated at an early stage. A preoperative treatment such as active surveillance and watchful waiting can also help in treating the disease. However, if the prostate cancer man develops a coronavirus infection, it can be difficult to treat both the disease. Corona causes infection in the respiratory tract creating multiple organ dysfunction. The immunity level of cancer patients is also low, all this can prove to be fatal resulting in death.
Prostate cancer men are more prone to the infection and have a worse prognosis. Hence, prevention is better than cure. The same principle applies to COVID-19. It is better to stay protected against the infection for prostate cancer patients as well as healthy individuals.
How to prevent COVID 19 in prostate cancer patients:
- Maintain social distancing at all times.
- Try to minimize your exposure to patients in the hospital and clinic.
- Minimize exposure to healthcare staff at the hospital and clinic.
- Impose telemedicine consultation to avoid, defer and shorten radiotherapy and surgery whenever possible.
Wait for the pandemic situation to stabilize in order to prevent coronavirus infection. Prostate cancer grows slowly hence a delay of 6 months is normal and has a minimal negative impact.
We urge and remind you to postpone your treatment if it can wait until the pandemic situation gets better. Or you may take the teleconsultation with your oncologist to manage your cancer at home if it is at an early stage. But if it is not possible, then keep the strictest social distance, sanitize, and wear a double mask while you visit the hospital.
This is the best thing you can do to ensure safety given the current scenario. Many good institutions with expert oncologists provide the best prostate cancer surgery in India. Stay safe!