Health and Fitness

‌‌Best ways to lower abdomen

Abdominal fat has an unpleasant effect on fitness and appearance, and many people are looking for effective ways to lose fat in this area.

‌‌Best ways to lower abdomen

Accumulation of fats in this area of ​​the body may occur for various reasons such as genetics, poor diet, inflammation, and other factors related to lifestyle and to get rid of them requires patience and high motivation.

If you are determined to get rid of belly fat, read on with Coca-Cola to learn about the best ways to lose belly fat, from diet and lifestyle to proper exercise. ( ‌‌Best ways to lower abdomen )

How to lose belly fat?
Before you start the process of losing belly fat, you should pay attention to one important point, and that is that in general, to reduce belly fat, it is necessary to reduce the total body fat, which depends on increasing calories or reducing calories. Calories are relative to the calories consumed daily by the body.

For example, if your calorie intake during the day is 3500 units more than the calories consumed, your body will lose about 450 grams of fat, and if this amount is 500 calories – with the help of proper exercise and diet – about 450 grams of fat per week. You will have Susie. ‌‌‌‌Best ways to lower abdomen.

Lose belly fat with exercise
Another of the best ways to get in shape and lose belly fat, along with burning calories, is to use exercises that involve the legs, thigh flexors, and lower abdomen. Including:

1. Climber movement

1. Climber movement

In the plank position, place your palms on the floor & your arms perpendicular to the ground. in front of you, and just below your shoulders. In this case, the legs should be stretched directly. ‌‌‌‌Best ways to lower abdomen.

With your back completely straight and your arms in the same position, quickly pull your right knee toward your chest, then return it to its original position and do this movement with your left foot. Repeat this movement as fast as you can. ‌‌‌‌Best ways to lower abdomen.

2. Raise the legs while lying down

2. Raise the legs while lying down

Lie on your back on a flat surface with your hands under your hips so that your palms are down and your legs are fully extended and straight in front of you. Gently lift your legs off the floor. so that they are in a straight-up position and perpendicular to the floor. ‌‌‌‌Best ways to lower abdomen.

Remain in this position for one second, then return to the first position. If you want to challenge your body, try not to let your feet touch the ground between repetitions. If you have a problem in the lumbar region, be careful in doing this exercise.

3. Move the scissors

3. Move the scissors

This movement is similar to the previous one, except that you only lift one leg at a time. Lie on your back and lift both your legs so that they are perpendicular to the ground.

Swap legs and do the same with the other leg, repeating this movement quickly and without interruption 10 times.

4. Move the dead insect

4. Move the dead insect

The movement of the dead insect is effective in melting the fat under the abdomen due to holding the spine steady & preventing the back from bending. To begin the movement, lie on your back and place your arms on either side of your body.

Extend your arms up and in front of your face so that they are perpendicular to your body. Return to the first position and do this movement with the opposite hand and foot.

5. Reverse crunch

5. Reverse crunch

Reverse crunch movement has a greater effect on lower abdominal fat than normal crunch. Lie on your back & Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the first position and repeat the movement. ‌‌‌‌Best ways to lower abdomen.

6. Bird Dog Crunch

6. Bird Dog Crunch

This movement not only melts belly fat but is also a great exercise for strengthening the arms. To begin with, place your hands and feet on the floor with yours. ‌‌Best ways to lower abdomen.

Lose belly fat with a diet

As mentioned earlier, to burn body fat, you need to burn more calories per day than you consume. For this purpose, it is recommended to avoid consuming processed foods and processed sugars & instead focus on protein and protein sources. Focus on healthy fiber.

It’s also recommended to avoid or reduce drinks containing artificial sweeteners such as energy drinks & diet and pay more attention to anti-inflammatory drinks such as unsweetened green tea and water. In addition, by adding some new habits to your lifestyle, you can help your fitness a lot, including:

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day
  • Take a walk
  • Eat slowly
  • Quit smoking
  • Get enough sleep at night and more.

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